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HomeSports GamingHow to Create a Godot Scroll Bar Inventory

How to Create a Godot Scroll Bar Inventory

In game development, inventories play an essential role in most RPGs, survival games, or any game where players collect, store, and use items. One important feature of an inventory system is its ability to scroll when there are too many items Godot Scroll Bar Inventory to display at once. Implementing a scroll bar in Godot to handle such scenarios can significantly enhance the user experience by providing a clean, organized way of viewing items in the inventory.

This article will walk you through creating a simple scrollable inventory in Godot, featuring an item list and a scroll bar that adjusts as the inventory size changes. We’ll explore various aspects such as UI layout, dynamic item generation, handling scrolling behavior, and improving usability. Let’s get started!

Setting Up the Project

Before diving into the coding aspect, it’s essential to set up the Godot project and the necessary nodes. For this tutorial, we’ll assume you Godot Scroll Bar Inventory are familiar with Godot’s interface and basic concepts such as scenes, nodes, and scripts.

  1. Create a New Project: Open Godot and create a new project. Name it “InventorySystem” (or whatever you like) and select a location on your machine to store the project files.
  2. Create a New Scene: Once your project is created, create a new scene by selecting “2D Scene” from the options. This will be the main canvas for your inventory system.
  3. Setup UI Layout: Now, you will build the structure of your inventory. The core nodes required for this will be:
    • Panel: This will serve as the background of the inventory.
    • ScrollContainer: This node will contain all items and allow for scrolling when the content exceeds the panel size.
    • VBoxContainer: Inside the ScrollContainer, this will organize the item entries vertically.
    • ItemButton: These will be individual buttons that represent each item in the inventory.

The UI Hierarchy

Your UI hierarchy should look like this:

├── ScrollContainer
│ └── VBoxContainer
│ ├── ItemButton (for each item)

Script for the Inventory

Next, let’s start scripting the inventory. We will write a script that controls the behavior of the inventory, including item creation, scroll bar adjustment, and other necessary mechanics.

Step 1: Create the Inventory Script

Create a new script and attach it to the “Panel” node. In this script, you will create the logic for generating the items and handling their display.

extends Panel

# The maximum number of items that can be displayed
var max_items = 20

# List of items
var inventory_items = []

# The VBoxContainer node where the items will be added
onready var item_container = $ScrollContainer/VBoxContainer

# Function to initialize the inventory
func _ready():
# Add some dummy items for testing
for i in range(30):
add_item("Item " + str(i))

# Function to add an item to the inventory
func add_item(item_name: String):
var item_button = Button.new()
item_button.text = item_name
item_button.rect_min_size = Vector2(200, 40) # Set a fixed size for the item buttons

# Adjust the scrollable area height

# Function to adjust the scroll bar based on the number of items
func adjust_scrollbar():
# If there are more items than the space can show, set the size of the VBoxContainer
if inventory_items.size() > max_items:
item_container.rect_min_size = Vector2(200, inventory_items.size() * 50) # Adjust the size
item_container.rect_min_size = Vector2(200, max_items * 50) # Limit height to show max items


  1. inventory_items: This list holds references to each item added to the inventory.
  2. add_item(item_name: String): This function creates a new button with the name of the item, adds it to the VBoxContainer, and updates the scrollbar by calling the adjust_scrollbar() function.
  3. adjust_scrollbar(): This function adjusts the size of the VBoxContainer based on the number of items, allowing the scroll container to show all available items or maintain a fixed size.

Step 2: Implement Scrolling

The ScrollContainer node automatically handles scrolling behavior. It allows the user to scroll vertically if the content inside it Godot Scroll Bar Inventory exceeds the viewport size. The script’s adjust_scrollbar() function ensures that the VBoxContainer’s size adjusts to fit the content, thus allowing for scrolling.

If the inventory contains more items than can be displayed in the available space, the user can scroll through the list to view all items.

Step 3: Add Interactivity (Optional)

To make the inventory more interactive, you can add item selection logic or item usage when the player clicks on an item.

For example, you could add the following function to handle clicking on an item button:

# Function to handle item selection
func on_item_selected(button: Button):
print("Selected item: " + button.text)

To connect this to each button, modify the add_item function to connect the button’s signal:

item_button.connect("pressed", self, "_on_item_selected", [item_button])

Step 4: Customize the UI (Optional)

You can enhance the appearance of your inventory by adding various customizations, such as:

  • Changing the button style by modifying the Button’s theme property or using custom icons.
  • Adding animations for opening and closing the inventory.
  • Changing the ScrollContainer’s scrollbar style (e.g., adjusting visibility, color, or size).

Testing the Inventory

After completing the steps above, run the scene by pressing the Play button. You should see a scrollable inventory with a list of items. The number of items will trigger scrolling when they exceed the available space.

Advanced Enhancements

Once you have a basic scrollable inventory working, you can expand it with more complex features:

  1. Drag-and-Drop: Implement drag-and-drop functionality to move items between different inventory slots or between the player’s inventory and other containers.
  2. Item Stacks: Instead of one button per item, group items that belong to the same stack into a single button, displaying the count.
  3. Tooltips: Show a tooltip with extra information when hovering over an item.
  4. Item Sorting: Allow the player to sort items alphabetically, by type, or by rarity.

These enhancements will make your inventory system much more engaging and functional.


1. How do I handle inventory overflow?

The scroll bar automatically Godot Scroll Bar Inventory handles overflow in the ScrollContainer. When the number of items exceeds the available space, the user can scroll through the inventory.

2. Can I change the layout from vertical to horizontal?

Yes, you can change the VBoxContainer to a HBoxContainer for a horizontal layout. The scrolling will still work as long as you adjust the scroll container’s properties correctly.

3. How do I display item icons instead of text?

Instead of setting the button text, you can set an TextureRect or an Icon in the button. For example:

var icon = TextureRect.new()
icon.texture = load("res://path_to_icon.png")

4. How do I save the inventory between sessions?

You can save the inventory state to a file using Godot’s File class. Serialize the inventory_items list or the relevant data, then load it again when the game starts.

5. How can I make the scroll bar more interactive?

You can modify the scroll bar’s appearance and behavior by adjusting the ScrollContainer properties or creating a custom scroll bar using the ScrollBar node.



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