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Appium 2: AutoGrantPermissions Not Working

Appium, an open-source automation tool for testing mobile applications, has continuously evolved to meet the dynamic needs of mobile testers. With the release of Appium 2, several improvements and changes were introduced. However, users have reported issues with the autoGrantPermissions capability not functioning as Appium 2 AutoGrantPermissions Not Working  expected. This article explores why this issue occurs and provides effective solutions to resolve it.

Understanding autoGrantPermissions

The autoGrantPermissions capability in Appium is designed to automatically grant all required runtime permissions to an app upon installation. This feature simplifies the testing process by preventing permission pop-ups during automated test executions.

Typical Usage:

  "platformName": "Android",
  "app": "/path/to/app.apk",
  "deviceName": "Android Emulator",
  "automationName": "UiAutomator2",
  "autoGrantPermissions": true

Common Causes for autoGrantPermissions Not Working

  1. Deprecated or Changed Capability Behavior:
    • In Appium 2, certain capabilities might have been deprecated or altered. The internal handling of autoGrantPermissions could have changed.
  2. Incorrect Driver Version:
    • Compatibility between Appium Server and the driver (e.g., UiAutomator2) is critical. Using outdated drivers can cause capability failures.
  3. Permission Model Changes in Android:
    • Newer Android versions (especially Android 11 and later) introduced scoped storage and additional permission restrictions that may override Appium’s auto-grant feature.
  4. App Signing and Debuggable Flag:
    • Apps not signed properly or lacking the debuggable flag can block automated permission grants.
  5. ADB Issues:
    • The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool must function correctly, as Appium relies on it to manage permissions.
  6. Custom App Permissions:
    • Some apps request special permissions not covered by autoGrantPermissions (e.g., SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW, MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE).

Solutions to Fix autoGrantPermissions

1. Manually Grant Permissions via ADB

If autoGrantPermissions fails, manually granting permissions using ADB can be a workaround:

adb shell pm grant com.example.package android.permission.CAMERA
adb shell pm grant com.example.package android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

This ensures all permissions are granted, bypassing Appium’s automation.

2. Verify Driver Versions

Ensure you are using the latest UiAutomator2 driver:

appium driver install uiautomator2

Keep both Appium and the driver updated for compatibility.

3. Use grantPermissions Capability

In some cases, replacing autoGrantPermissions with grantPermissions might work better:

  "platformName": "Android",
  "app": "/path/to/app.apk",
  "deviceName": "Android Emulator",
  "automationName": "UiAutomator2",
  "grantPermissions": true

4. Modify App Signing and Debuggable Flag

Ensure the app is signed correctly and has the debuggable flag in its manifest. For unsigned APKs:

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore debug.keystore app.apk androiddebugkey

5. Downgrade or Upgrade Appium/Drivers

Sometimes, newer versions introduce bugs. Test with an older Appium version or update to the latest:

npm install -g appium@latest

6. Implement Custom Permission Granting in Tests

Incorporate ADB commands directly into your test scripts:

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("adb shell pm grant com.example.package android.permission.CAMERA");

Preventive Measures

  • Regular Updates: Keep Appium, drivers, and Android tools updated.
  • Check Documentation: Review Appium’s latest documentation for capability changes.
  • Custom Handling: Prepare custom scripts for special permissions not covered by default.


1. Why isn’t autoGrantPermissions working on Android 11+?

Android 11 introduced new permission models (e.g., one-time permissions, scoped storage) that Appium’s autoGrantPermissions might not handle. Manual permission granting or custom scripts are recommended.

2. Is autoGrantPermissions deprecated in Appium 2?

As of now, autoGrantPermissions isn’t officially deprecated but its behavior might have changed. Always check the latest Appium documentation.

3. Can I grant special permissions like SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW automatically?

No, autoGrantPermissions doesn’t cover special permissions. Use ADB commands for such permissions.

4. How do I verify if permissions are granted?

Use the following ADB command:

adb shell dumpsys package com.example.package | grep granted=true

5. What if none of the solutions work?

Report the issue on Appium’s GitHub repository with detailed logs or explore community forums for help.


The autoGrantPermissions feature in Appium 2 simplifies mobile test automation but can sometimes fail due to compatibility issues, Android version changes, or app-specific configurations. Understanding these factors and applying the right solutions—like using ADB, updating drivers, or modifying app settings—can effectively resolve the problem. Staying updated with Appium’s latest changes ensures smoother and more efficient mobile app testing.



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